That city is mine !

Auteur Cordula Rooijendijk
That city is mine !

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Product informatie

  • ISBN 9789056293826
  • ISBN 10 9056293826
  • Druk 1
  • Bindwijze Paperback


Table of Contents - 6[-]Preface - 10[-]Chapter 1 Perception is Reality - 16[-]Mainspring - 16[-]Perceptions - 16[-]Perceptions v. reality - 18[-]Urban perceptions: urban images & urban ideal images - 19[-]Differences and similarities between urban ideal images - 20[-]Urban ideal images in public debates - 22[-]The urban intellectual - 23[-]The city planner - 24[-]Variable/invariable urban ideal images - 25[-]Notes - 27[-]Chapter 2 Researching Urban Ideal Images - 32[-]What? - 32[-]Where? - 33[-]When? - 34[-]With whom? - 34[-]How? - 35[-]Controversial city debates - 35[-]Methods for gathering empirical data - 36[-]Analysing data - 41[-]Describing data - 54[-]Why? - 55[-]Notes - 56[-]Part I 1945-1960/65 - 74[-]Introduction - 75[-]Chapter 3 Rotterdam Basisplan - 82[-]Provocation - 82[-]Urban ... ideal images in the Basisplan debate - 83[-]The urban ideal image of culturalists - 83[-]The urban ideal image of progressists - 86[-]The urban ideal image of city planners - 88[-]Strategies in Basisplan debate - 93[-]The strategies of culturalists - 93[-]The strategies of progressists - 95[-]The strategies of city planners - 96[-]The influence of urban ideal images in the public debate on the final Basisplan - 99[-]Notes - 100[-]Chapter 4 Kaasjager - 116[-]Provocation - 116[-]Urban ideal images in the Kaasjager debate - 116[-]The urban ideal image of culturalists - 116[-]The urban ideal image of progressists - 118[-]The urban ideal image of city planners - 119[-]Strategies in the Kaasjager debate - 121[-]Strategies of culturalists - 121[-]Strategies of progressists - 125[-]Strategies of city planners - 127[-]The influence of urban ideal images in the public debate on the Nota Binnenstad - 130[-]Notes - 134[-]Conclusions Part I - 148[-]Part II 1960/65-1980/85 - 160[-]Introduction - 161[-]Chapter 5 Rotterdam Rehabilitation & redevelopment - 168[-]Provocation - 168[-]Urban Ideal images - 168[-]The urban ideal image of culturalists - 169[-]The urban ideal image of progressists - 173[-]The urban ideal image of city planners - 178[-]Strategies - 183[-]The strategies of culturalists - 183[-]The strategies of progressists - 186[-]The strategies of city planners - 188[-]The influence of urban ideal images in the public debate on final city plans - 193[-]Notes - 197[-]Chapter 6 The Amsterdam Metro - 224[-]Provocation - 224[-]Urban ideal images - 225[-]The urban ideal image of culturalists - 226[-]The urban ideal image of progressists - 231[-]The urban ideal image of city planners - 234[-]Strategies - 239[-]The strategies of culturalists - 239[-]The strategies of progressists - 245[-]The strategies of city planners - 248[-]The influence of urban ideal images in the public debate on final city plans - 252[-]Notes - 258[-]Conclusions Part II - 302[-]Part III 1980/85-1995 - 318[-]Introduction - 319[-]Chapter 7 Kop van Zuid - 324[-]Provocation - 324[-]Urban ideal images - 325[-]The urban ideal image of culturalists - 325[-]The urban ideal image of progressists - 329[-]The urban ideal image of city planners - 335[-]Strategies - 340[-]The strategies of culturalists - 340[-]The strategies of progressists - 342[-]The strategies of city planners - 344[-]The influence of urban ideal images in the public debate on final city plans - 350[-]Notes - 356[-]Chapter 8 IJ-oevers - 374[-]Provocation - 374[-]Urban ideal images - 375[-]The urban ideal image of culturalists - 376[-]The urban ideal image of progressists - 383[-]The urban ideal image of city planners - 387[-]Strategies - 393[-]The strategies of culturalists - 393[-]The strategies of progressists - 398[-]The strategies of city planners - 399[-]The influence of urban ideal images in the public debate on final city plans - 405[-]Notes - 410[-]Conclusions Part III - 444[-]Chapter 9 Dedicated to the City\'s Fut

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